Piece for three dancers-singers, one light designer and one musician
L’Aveuglement (Blinding) offers an experience around perception shared by the dancers and the audience. In L’Aveuglement, choral singing animates a light installation ; and dance was produced blindfolded. At times plunged into total darkness, the dancers guide the audience through a sensory adventure where one has to listen to dance, guess it through its rustling and distinguish it in phosphenes.
“I believe that being a spectator of dance is also to touch it with the gaze ; and that performing a dance is acting and seeing at the same time. For several years, my choreographic work has been exploring not only movement, but also the mental and sensory journey required by dance.”
Mylène Benoit
“Respecting the rules of dancing with their eyes closed (…), the three performers of Blindness are experimenting the omnifarious of a night that becomes intimate and sensual, where dance becomes “clairvoyant”.
Philippe Noisette – Les Inrockuptibles